Overview maps

Discharge and water level

Discharge and water level

Water temperature

Water temperature

Groundwater levels

Groundwater levels

Groundwater temperature

Groundwater temperature

Comparison with danger levels

Comparison with danger levels

Flood outlook



High probability of occurence

Low probability of occurence


 NAQUA: TFA in groundwater 18.11.2024

NAQUA: TFA in groundwater

Trifluoroacetic acid – TFA – is present everywhere in groundwater. However, concentrations differ clearly depending on the location. This is shown by a pilot study of the NAQUA National Groundwater Monitoring. TFA is a very small, highly mobile and yet persistent PFAS, which is released primarily as a degradation product of plant protection products, refrigerants and industrial chemicals.

Wir wünschen ein gutes hydrologisches Jahr! 01.10.2024

Wir wünschen ein gutes hydrologisches Jahr!

Am 1. Oktober beginnt ein neues hydrologisches Jahr.


Hydrological bulletin

Zurzeit wird kein hydrologisches Bulletin publiziert.
In Hochwassersituation finden Sie Informationen im Naturgefahrenbulletin (NGB)

21.09.2024 08:41

Groundwater bulletin

Die Grundwasserstände und Quellabflüsse liegen im normalen bis hohen Bereich, dies aufg...

06.11.2024 16:10

Natural hazard bulletin

There is currently no natural hazard bulletin.